E.M.M.A. Organization -Eternal Miracle Maternal Alleviation, founded in 2008, is the only organization in Romania that provides support to families who have experienced the trauma of losing a child and, especially, for those who have lost their baby before it was born.
E.M.M.A. Organization is a non-profit nongovernmental organization, not affiliatedwith any religious or political organizations or entities, whose work is conducted on a voluntary basis and wants to implement an essential emotional support in the healing process. As the grieving mothers don't receive counselling in maternity or after they go home which can have serious consequences not only on the health of the mothers, but also on family and society!
E.M.M.A. Organization, beside the other branches opened in the USA, Canada, Mexico, England and France, is partner of the MISS Foundation, founded by Joanne Cacciatore, mother of four children on Earth and of a little girl in Heaven.
About the MISS founder and about The MISS Foundation, you can find out more by entering HERE .
Bianca Brad
Founder, CEO
E.M.M.A.'s Objectives
> to change the laws regarding identity recognition of the foetus at 20 weeks minimum and a minimum weight of 500 grams.
> to initiate a legal record of a stillborn child’s birth(“Certificate of Life”), including both family name and given name(s).
> to equip maternity facilities with cameras and kits for making little hand and feet impressions to give parents a keepsake of the child they have lost.
> to provide maternity facilities with the medical equipment required to improve the quality of care given to pregnant women and babies.
> to secure the availability of psychologists in maternities.
> to organize international seminars and trainings in Romania about specialized ultrasound tests.
> to provide training to the health professionals in maternity hospitals on trauma-centered psychotherapy.
> to inform the maternity professionals of the possibility of early completion of baptism, even by themselves, to children who are born alive, but show signs that they will die soon.
> to organize international seminars and trainings in Romania about specialized ultrasound tests.
Mother's regrets
> Roxana, 01. '09:Why, when I woke up from anaesthesia, even though I could not keep my eyes open, their first concern was" to sign, to write that I do not want the baby? This regret that I will have all my life ... it was the signature of a conviction ... I actually signed the pain of not knowing my baby, not holding and kissing him, for not burring him and say “good bye” to him! I would have hurt a lot but now I would have been somehow reconciled. Now I'm living with the fault for that signature ...”
> Mirela, 02. '08:"The biggest regret? I didn't make at least one picture! ... I have no memories!"
>Gabriela, 02. '08:"Although I begged with tears in my eyes" Please, let me see him, "doctors and nurses felt it was better not to, that would be too traumatic to see my baby. How to heal if you were denied the right to see your own child? How can you handle the pain when you have no image associated with your baby! How? "
> Anonymous, 02. '08:"It didn't help me at all that I was not allowed to hold my baby in my arms for a moment - it's inhuman, nothing is more painful!"
> Anonymous, 04. '08: "I regret enormously that I didn't know, neither anyone else there, about the quick baptism ... Maybe I would have been more easily reconciled with her death, if I would have got to baptize her ... “
E.M.M.A. Organization’s activities (2010)
We post here a summary of the E.M.M.A. Organization’s activities held in 2010, hoping that this summary will increase confidence in its actions and we’ll receive more and more support to achieve our most important objectives: to change the mentality and attitude of the society (& health professionals) regarding the trauma of losing a child and to reduce, as much as possible, infant mortality.
In 2010:
> The “Angels Parents Day” annual event was held in 18 cities.
> For the first time in Romania, EMMA organized “International Day of Remembrance of Children and Infants”, also known as “The Wave of Light”, held in 15 cities.
> Humanitarian action: “A gesture from the heart – EMMA’s holiday gift” was held in December across 11 cities.
> Support groups established and held in Bucharest, Iasi, Sibiu and Timisoara.
> The EMMA site was enriched with articles intended to support grieving families.
> EMMA Organization had many appearances in the media, in order to sensitize and inform the public.
> EMMA Organization filed and argued at the Human Dignity Sub-Commission, a law project concerning the rights of children bornlifeless, and their parents.
> EMMA Organization provided support to parents who lost their babies in the fire at the Giulesti Maternity.
> For the first time in Romania, a bereaved family received support, from the very first moments in the hospital. Through EMMA, we were able to offer the parents the opportunity to create their own precious memories with their baby.
> The organization obtained its first significant sponsorship, courtesy of the Rotary Club. A generous donation of 10,500 Euro enabled EMMA to furnish three hospital rooms in the Bucur Maternity, as well as to purchase a fetal monitor and a vaginal probe for their ultrasound machine. In 2010, EMMA Organization attended the following:
> National Forum of Patients Associations (5-7 March)
> National Conference of Romanian Patients (11-13 March) > ONG Fest (7-9 May)
> Both Conferences organized by the Order of Nurses and Midwives in Romania (May 29 & 29 October)
> MISS Conference organized by MISS Foundation from USA-Phoenix, Arizona (2-4 September)
2011 began with the start of the Medical Staff Awareness Campaign. The first informational seminar was held in Bucur Maternity Hospital and the response was positive and encouraging. Additional seminars will be held in other maternity hospitals throughout Romania in the coming year.
The reactions were positive and encouraging, following that these seminars will be held in more maternity hospitals in Romania during this year.
We would like to thank once again to all those who have understood the importance of having, consolidating and promoting EMMA Organization and have supported the actions and steps forward taken during the past year.
To see pictures of E.M.M.A.'s activities click here and to watch videos click here .
September 7th 2008 – The “Confidential Magazine “award in the category “Social Campaign”, for the “Mothers of Angels” Campaign.
October 9th 2008 – The award in “Talk about yourself” Category, offered by The Estuar Foundation, at the “Gestures of Soul in Mental Health” Event – on World Mental Health Day celebrated worldwide since 1992.
February 24th 2009 – The award “Woman of the year 2008” in the category “Initiative to help people” , granted during the ceremony “Woman of 2008 Awards” offered by “Avantaje” Magazine and AVON. This was the 11th edition of this event.
February 26th 2009 – “Carol Davila Awards” is a social event which celebrates the civil society projects and also the projects of the business community. It is dedicated to the improvement of both the public and private Romanian Health Services.
At the 2nd edition of this event, the project “Mothers of Angels – EMMA Organization” was awarded the following prizes:
"Filantropica Campaign 2008" award
“Best social responsibility program of the year 2008” award
The first award was offered after a jury decision which brought together prominent names in various fields of expertise (from the medical world personalities to journalists and members of civil society), and for granting the second award was taken into account the public vote, expressed on-line!
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